Thursday, March 7, 2019

When they repeat muntras or holy texts of counting their beads, the ceremony is often performed under their drapery, and sometimes with their hands and beads in a bag, the Hindoos being obliged to,be into¬ lerably secret in religious matters. It is generally known, that the Brahmuns are the priests of the Hindoos, and, that by the tenets of their religion, to them are assigned the duties of reading and teaching their sacred books, of sacrificing, of assisting others in sacrifices; of giving alms if rich, and if indigent of receiving gifts ; they are for¬ bidden trade, service, and the performance of all menial offices. They are generally named from the countries or sectaries to which they belong, and are all held in respect and veneration, by Hindoos of every part, yet the Brahmuns of one country will not eat from the hands of a Brahmun of another.
It is to be remarked, that although the Brahmuns are forbidden td enter into any trade, or engage in any kind of servitude, yet it is well known there are many of them who pursue commeice, and that there are a still greater number, who enter into the service both of Europeans and Mahommedans, particularly the Marratta Brahmuns, who have insinuated themselves into various departments of every government, and into the offices of every agent and merchant of any respectability in India. They are the accountants of both, and owing to this circum¬ stance, which embraces a curious fact, the Marratta states have the best means of ascertaining with the greatest nicety, the revenue of every government, and the fortune of every individual.

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